Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jamaica: High Teen Pregnancy and Sexual Violence Rates

Jamaica: High Teen Pregnancy and Sexual Violence Rates

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with Bob (this reminds me of the Bob from the Vagina Monologues, lol).

    This piece relates to Africa, most of our mothers don’t ever talk to us about “SEX”, the little that we know is from TV, books (MEDIA) or what you friends tell you which often is inaccurate. I agree with Bob statement,” if you don’t teach your kids how can you blame them?” this is so true!!!

    I remember growing up, I used to think talking to boys could make people pregnant , I know really funny. Even when I started my period, their would be days that I’ll feel that am pregnant, LOL, can you imagine how miserable that could have been? Then you have to wait till your next period to validate it, how crazy. Even now that I think am all grown, hahahaha, my mother wont still talk to me about “SEX” - the TABOO, lol. The funny thing is that my sister got married recently and she would dare not talk to me about “SEX”, and now she has a 2yrs son – and am sure that God didn’t just put the baby in her tummy.

    This article also talks about abortion, I want to hear other fellows view on this, looking at abortion in the context of ‘Jamaican Gordon Swaby blog’ take on abortion.
